
Electronic ‘Smart Fingers’ Will Allow Doctors to O...

Someday soon, hospital patients won’t be hooked up to wires, large equipments and monitors, instead, electronic patches will be temporarily tattooed onto their bodies. Thanks to the invention of electronic circuits, doctors will be able to monitor their heart beat and vital signs without poking with instruments. Patients wearing neck patches will even be able to communicate with robots, who will translate throat muscle...

This Month in History: August 1977

It was on August 3, 1977, Tandy Corporation teamed up with Radio Shack to release the TRS-80, one of the first personal computers available to consumer markets. This was the dawn of the personal computing age without any great expectations. Nobody quite knew what the rage would be, or even why. This bulky item with complex operating procedures would never sell. And yet, there was something in the air. The TRS-80 was a...

This Month in History: June 1931

In June 1931, the first commercial doors operated by a photoelectric cell were installed on the swinging doors between the kitchen and dining room of Wilcox’s Pier Restaurant in West Haven, Connecticut. A device that converts light from the sun into electricity is called a photovoltaic cell. Also known as a solar cell, these are assembled into groups called photovoltaic arrays, solar modules and solar panels. The...

Meet the pioneers of remote-controlled medicine in...

At present, cells, drugs and even animals can respond to wireless signals thanks to the invention of Pralle’s nematodes. Since then, the confluence of nanotechnology, biology and radio physics – is proving to be a powerful research tool creating a new kind of science. Not more than a millimeter long, Arnd Pralle’s nematodes look just like small worms controlled by a magnetic field. When he switches on a...

The Promising Future of LED Lighting

LEDs hold promise in the world’s race to produce more energy-efficient lighting. LEDs use less energy, last longer, and allow more control of color and direction of light. It is indeed a major technological advance over both incandescent and fluorescent lighting. In 2010, lighting consumed an estimated 19% of U.S. electricity. LEDs for lighting could reduce that electricity consumption manifold by 2030.Moreover, LEDs could...

Intel’s Latest Move to Enter the Smartphones and T...

ARM has held its leading position in Smartphone market but Intel’s latest design to enter the wireless markets has challenged its position in the Smartphone and tablet industry. Intel Corp, the unrivaled leader in the semiconductor market has finally decided to enter the wireless court after years of meditation. The company disclosed that three of the leading OEMs have decided to design Intel processors into their...

Counterfeit Electronic components represent $169 B...

According to the recent data provided by IHS market research firm, the five most prevalent types of counterfeit semiconductors are: microprocessors, programmable logic devices, memory ICs, transistors and analog ICs. All these semiconductors are mostly used in military and commercial applications and in 2011, they accounted for more than two-thirds of all counterfeited incidents in the global electronics supply chain....

Thailand Floods affect Global HDD production suppl...

Last year’s flood in Thailand continues to affect this year’s electronics supply chain. IHS in December estimated that damages from the flood will result in a 3.8 million-unit shortfall in PC shipments in the first quarter of 2012 compared with the company’s previous forecast, issued in August. IHS now expects that global PC shipments will be reduced to 6.8% in 2012, from the previous growth of 9.5%. The catastrophic...
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